A Julia package for generating visualizations in Vega
Getting Started
Visualization Primitives
Creating A Visualization From Scratch
Function Keywords:
This plot is a replication of the Aster Plot d3.js example on bl.ocks.org. From their description:
“This aster plot displays pie slices as lengths extending outward to the edge (0 at inner to 100 at outer). Widths of the pie slices represent the weight of each pie…”
score = [59, 24, 98, 60 ,74,70,42,77,88,60,65,71,88,83]
id = ["FIS", "MAR","AO","NP","CS","CP","TR","LIV","ECO","ICO","LSP","CW","HAB","SPP"]
weight = [0.5, 0.5, 1,1,1,1,1,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,1,0.5,0.5]
v = asterplot(x = id, y = score, weight = weight, holesize = 75)
colorscheme!(v, palette = ["#9E0041", "#C32F4B", "#E1514B", "#F47245", "#FB9F59", "#FEC574", "#FAE38C", "#EAF195",
"#C7E89E", "#9CD6A4", "#6CC4A4", "#4D9DB4", "#4776B4", "#5E4EA1"])
hover!(v, opacity = 0.5)