
A Julia package for generating visualizations in Vega

Getting Started
Visualization Primitives
Creating A Visualization From Scratch

Pre-defined Visualizations

Area Plot
Aster Plot
Bar Plot
Box Plot
Bubble Chart
Dot Plot
Grouped Bar
Joint Plot
Line Plot
Pie/Donut Chart
Population Chart
Ribbon Plot
Rug Plot
Scatter Plot
Stem-and-Leaf Plot
Stream Plot
Word Cloud

Interactive Visualization

Interact.jl and Vega in Jupyter Notebooks
Creating Interactive Sites Using Escher and Vega

Visualization Mutating Functions

General Visualization Properties
hline! / vline!
xlab! / ylab!
xlim! / ylim!

View the Project on GitHubjohnmyleswhite/Vega.jl



title::AbstractString = ""
x::Int = 0
y::Int = -40
fill::AbstractString = "black"
fontSize::Int = 16
align::AbstractString = "center"
baseline::AbstractString = "top"
fontWeight::AbstractString = "bold"
font::AbstractString = ""

This function mutates :VegaVisualization, adding/modifying a chart title.

No title

using Vega, DataFrames, JSON

df = DataFrame()
for p in JSON.parse(readall(Pkg.dir("Vega", "vega-datasets/population.json")))
    df = vcat(df, DataFrame(;[symbol(k)=>v for (k,v) in p]...))

pop1900 = df[df[:year] .== 1900, :];

x = pop1900[:people]
y = pop1900[:age]
group = pop1900[:sex]

a = popchart(x = x, y = y, group = group)

With title

title!(a, title = "Gender & Age Comparison - 1900")

Add subtitle

In Vega, there are only concepts of “marks”. What this implies is, you can continually add additional marks as desired, such as for a subtitle.

In Vega.jl, to add a subtitle (or multiple!), just change the y offset value. The larger the value (i.e. less negative until you cross over 0), the further DOWN the chart the title will be located. Note that there is nothing that keeps the titles from overlapping the chart; if you find the text to be in a sub-optimal location, just keep modifying the y parameter until you get the desired outcome.

x = [95, 86.5, 80.8, 80.4, 80.3, 78.4, 74.2, 73.5, 71, 69.2, 68.6, 65.5, 65.4, 63.4, 64]
y = [95, 102.9, 91.5, 102.5, 86.1, 70.1, 68.5, 83.1, 93.2, 57.6, 20, 126.4, 50.8, 51.8, 82.9]
cont = ["EU", "EU", "EU", "EU", "EU", "EU", "EU", "NO", "EU", "EU", "RU", "US", "EU", "EU", "NZ"]
z = [13.8, 14.7, 15.8, 12, 11.8, 16.6, 14.5, 10, 24.7, 10.4, 16, 35.3, 28.5, 15.4, 31.3]

v = bubblechart(x = x, y = y, group = cont, pointSize = z)

#Chart mods
v.width = 600
v.height = 300
xlim!(v, min = 60, max = 100)
ylim!(v, min = 10, max = 160)
#Main title
title!(v, title = "Sugar and Fat Intake Per Country")
#Subtitle - just change y offset, and fontSize/Weight if desired
title!(v, title = "Source: Euromonitor and OECD", y = -20, fontSize = 12, fontWeight = "")
ylab!(v, title = "Daily Sugar Intake", grid = true)
xlab!(v, title = "Daily Fat Intake", grid = true)
hline!(v, value = 50, strokeDash = 5, stroke = "gray")
vline!(v, value = 65, strokeDash = 5, stroke = "gray")