A Julia package for generating visualizations in Vega
Getting Started
Visualization Primitives
Creating A Visualization From Scratch
Function Keywords:
entity::Symbol = :uscounties
The input for the X array are 5-digit U.S. county-level FIPS codes, not zip codes. The two are not interchangeable. Additionally, you need to account for missing FIPS codes manually at the moment, this function will not plot shapes if you do not provide a FIPS code value. This will likely be remedied in a future release.
using Vega, DataFrames
df = readtable(Pkg.dir("Vega", "vega-datasets/unemployment.tsv"))
v = choropleth(x = df[:id], y = df[:rate])
The input for the X array are 2-digit U.S. state-level FIPS codes. Additionally, you need to account for missing FIPS codes manually at the moment, this function will not plot shapes if you do not provide a FIPS code value. This will likely be remedied in a future release.
x = 1:60
y = rand(Float64, 60)
a = choropleth(x = x, y = y, entity = :usstates)