A Julia package for generating visualizations in Vega
Getting Started
Visualization Primitives
Creating A Visualization From Scratch
Function Keywords:
wordAngles::AbstractVector = [-45, 0, 45]
minThreshold::Int = 0
corpus = [
"Julia is a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for technical computing, with syntax that is familiar to users of other technical computing environments. It provides a sophisticated compiler, distributed parallel execution, numerical accuracy, and an extensive mathematical function library. Julia’s Base library, largely written in Julia itself, also integrates mature, best-of-breed open source C and Fortran libraries for linear algebra, random number generation, signal processing, and string processing. In addition, the Julia developer community is contributing a number of external packages through Julia’s built-in package manager at a rapid pace. IJulia, a collaboration between the IPython and Julia communities, provides a powerful browser-based graphical notebook interface to Julia.",
"Julia programs are organized around multiple dispatch; by defining functions and overloading them for different combinations of argument types, which can also be user-defined. For a more in-depth discussion of the rationale and advantages of Julia over other systems, see the following highlights or read the introduction in the online manual."
wc = wordcloud(x = corpus)
colorscheme!(wc, palette = ("Spectral", 11))
wordcloud(x = corpus, wordAngles = [0, 90])
wordcloud(x = corpus, minThreshold = 1)